She can also brew special potions that aid the girls in their adventures. By the power of alchemy, she can spawn phantom cubes that serve as the basis of her combat abilities. She has grown more independent since then and taken a strong interest in chemistry. This cheerful little pup was taken in from the wilderness by Lilac and Carol a few years ago. Past Roles: Icari (Sunrider), Bernard's Wife & Villagers (Folk Tale) She has the motorcycle at least, so that's a start! Carol desires the simple things in life: lots of money, a massive house, a rockin' motorcycle, and worldwide fame. It was there that she met Lilac, and after a brief rivalry, became her best friend. Although she has grown more reserved throughout her battles, she still has a big heart and will jump at the chance to help her friends.Ĭarol is a snarky wildcat who ran away as a kitten to join the Red Scarves: an underground thieves’ guild in Shang Mu.

She was trained at a young age by the Red Scarves, but left their ranks in order to find her place in life. She is known for her unique fighting style of cutting through foes with her twin ponytails. Lilac is believed to be the last water dragon in existence. Past Roles: Ritsuka Tachibana (Dance With Devils), Frosch (Fairy Tail)